Are you thinking about succession? Peter Greer, President and CEO of HOPE International, describes the seven practices to navigate mission-critical leadership transitions.
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In this episode:
- What makes this book, Succession: Seven Practices to Navigate Mission-Critical Leadership so timely? (04:46)
- There is an increased number of transitions happening right now (05:39)
- Only 17% of organizations have a clear, documented succession plan (6:20)
- Only 17% of organizations have actively taken the time and attention to say let's think beyond the tenure of the current leader. Peter and Doug think that is too small (6:32)
- "With all of the disruption of 2020 maybe this is a good time for all of us to get serious about planning, preparing for the moment when we transition" (6:40)
- Why seamless, successful leadership succession is never an option (09:54)
- A four-minute mile run through Peter's new book (13:41)
- Why postures and practices combine to make successful succession (13:52)
- Why has surveying HOPE International’s staff been essential to sustaining a healthy, vibrant culture? (22:16)
- A key practice that would jeopardize succession (24:30)
- Keep the focus on the mission (25:05)
- U.S. men's 4 x 100-meter Olympic team dropping the baton (31:46)
- Plan and prepare beyond your tenure (37:40)
Additional Resources
Buy Peter's book: Succession: Seven Practices to Navigate Mission-Critical Leadership Transitions.
Read the Transcript
Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode.
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