Podcast | Best Christian Workplaces

S6E39: Discovering Your Unique Calling Leads to Deeper Fulfillment at Work

Written by Best Christian Workplaces | November, 29 2021

Are you clear on what God has called you to be and to do? Are your team members in jobs that reflect their special calling? Kelly Kannwischer, CEO of Younique and Co-Founder of Future Church Co, discusses how you can understand your unique calling so that you can experience a deep sense of purpose and meaning in your life.


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In this episode:

  • How Kelly became the CEO of Younique and what she learned in the process of walking through her own life plan? (02:04)
  • Some of us might associate the idea of a more specific “calling” for people who are missionaries or in ministry, but not necessarily in the regular workforce. The idea of special calling versus common calling and who it applies to (03:51)
  • "Special calling is the special assignment that God has given to each one of us that no one else has or can do." Ephesians 2:10 (04:14)
  • A high-level view of the 5 steps, from the clarity spiral to sweet spot, the vision frame, and so on (06:35)
  • "Clarity Spiral - the skills of life design. Ongoing life of discernment and response. Start and never stop!" (07:08)
  • What does Empowering Momentum mean? (13:59)
  • Here at Best Christian Workplaces Institute, we focus on the components of employee engagement. We find that one of the keys to engagement is Life-Giving work. We also measure the use of spiritual gifts and skills in someone’s job. How can the Younique Life Plan process help someone discover the type of work that would be fulfilling for them? (18:40)
  • One of the components of these kinds of life plans is some daily or weekly habits or rhythms to keep people moving forward. Can you give some examples of how implementing these action steps or rhythms has helped people thrive in their daily lives? (23:33)
  • Much of the work of Younique is through churches. Share with us how an organization – a Christian business, or a nonprofit or school – could use this Younique discovery process to equip and empower their staff. (27:15)
  • As you have used this process with many different types of people in various seasons of life, do you see some trends in how people experience the process? For example, are there differences for people in early or mid-career versus later in life, or maybe men versus women, or based on the type of jobs people are in? (29:40)
  • How have you seen people with a Life Plan adapt to circumstances outside their control? Maybe a health diagnosis or family difficulty – any of those unexpected events that come to us in the course of life. How does having a Life Plan help then? (32:53)

Read the Transcript

Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode.


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