1 min read

S4E5: How Productive and Effective are Your Teams?

S4E5: How Productive and Effective are Your Teams?

Steve Macchia, well-known author, and Founder and President of Leadership Transformations, shares the five vital leadership traits of becoming a healthy team.


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In this episode:

  • Our research at BCWI tells us that the spiritual dimension of leadership is a key aspect of creating effective teams. 
  • How effective and productive are your teams? 
  • Do you sense a spiritual vitality in your teams?
  • What are you, yourself, as a leader, experiencing, as you care for and shepherd your flock, your teams?
  • The definition of Fantastic Teams. Fantastic teams exemplify a spirit of partnership and collaboration--not “me” but we” --to achieve shared goals and objectives within a department, across departments, or organization wide. Fantastic teams create consensus, direction and momentum to establish, grow and sustain a flourishing culture.
  • To create fantastic teams, you really need: 
    • shared common goals and objectives, achieved by people with 
    • clear roles, working collaboratively and  
    • leveraging their individual and collective strengths as team members.
  • As a leader, you talk a lot about a leader’s priority mission and a leader’s intimacy with God. Why do you place such a high priority on this, and what does it look like in a team environment? 
  • Five traits of vital leadership.
  • At its core, Inspirational Leadership is connected to the leader’s relationship with Christ. 
  • Inspirational Leadership, which is highly comprised of character facets, is one of the top 2 strongest predictors of employee engagement across all sectors surveyed by BCWI.
  • The extent to which a leader exhibits good character and is also competent, and has good chemistry is crucial for Inspirational Leadership. 
  • Inspirational Leadership beats at the heart of Fantastic Teams. 
  • How to identify unhealthy teams?



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Email our host at info@workplaces.org

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