Toxic Workplaces: 3 Things Leaders Often Miss
Workplace culture affects employees and teams in a variety of ways. A healthy team is productive, has high employee engagement, and team members...
2 min read
Al Lopus
November, 19 2019
Can you afford to ignore the priority of healthy communication in your organization?
Jos Snoep knows he can’t run from this question.
As President of Bible League International—with the opportunity to bring God’s Word to 7 billion people in 200 countries—Jos knows that healthy communication is critical to ensure a healthy, flourishing workplace culture. He doesn’t mince words:
“A healthy culture is your most important invisible asset. If your culture is not healthy it can be a serious liability.”
Why go this route and jeopardize everything? The best and only alternative is to take a peek at the Strategic Action Plan Jos and his senior team developed to significantly increase both the organization’s communication and the health of their workplace!
You’ll hear the action steps, great stories, results and more in this episode of the Flourishing Culture Podcast.
I want you to have the highlights of Jos’ highly successful strategy, right here, right now!
You can introduce, build, even accelerate, healthy communication throughout your departments, your teams, and especially your leaders. Jos and each of the 129 staff members know it’s all about these three critical essentials, as Jos says:
1.“INVITE your people from every level of your organization, to bring their perspectives, thoughts, and ideas to the table. As you’ll discover, this ‘bottom-up’ turned Bible League International’s traditional leadership approach upside down. What poured out (and re-energized their culture) might surprise you.
2. “LISTEN to your people in a way that honors and respects who they are, what they offer.
[shareable cite="Jos Snoep"]"A healthy culture can be your most important invisible asset, and when it’s not healthy it can be a serious liability."[/shareable]
3. “EMPOWER your people. Inviting and listening point the way to empowering them individually, and more so as dynamic teams of dedicated people who want to contribute to your organization’s mission. As you empower your people as professionals, together you will be:
Jos would say, a quick three-step way to spark Healthy Communication would be to ask yourself, “How will I involve people as part of a team (no silos allowed), seek to listen and understand, and then act on their ideas that can strengthen the overall goal and mission of the organization?”
How would you answer this question? Who at work could benefit from listening to what you have to say?
“Bettering Your Company Culture Through Healthy Communication”
Troy Meachum, President
ACR Supply Co.
Durham, North Carolina
Download the 8 Drivers Reference Guide for FREE.
Fantastic Teams
Life-giving Work
Outstanding Talent
Uplifting Growth
Rewarding Compensation
Inspirational Leadership
Sustainable Strategy
Healthy Communication
One or more of these eight measures of workplace culture
is either strengthening or weakening your organization right now.
Workplace culture affects employees and teams in a variety of ways. A healthy team is productive, has high employee engagement, and team members...
Craig Springer, Alpha USA
Have you recently communicated an updated strategy or new goals to your team? Often, we assume that once we have shared information people understand...