1 min read

338: How to Develop Meaningful Communication Rhythms to Inspire Your Employees

338: How to Develop Meaningful Communication Rhythms to Inspire Your Employees

The number one topic that employees always want to see improved is communication. Jos Snoep, President and CEO of Bible League International, has proven insights to help you develop meaningful communication rhythms that will inspire your employees to new levels of performance. 

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In this episode:

  • How does a leader decide what needs to be communicated more broadly to his/her employees? What are some of the types of communication that fall into this category? (05:42)
  • Relationship and communication is really embedded, first of all, in Bible League International's core values and philosophies (06:03)
  • It starts with respecting and truly valuing people in the organization, every single person (06:35)
  • Rhythms and practices of communication from the senior leadership team to your staff (08:21)
  • "One of the things I started doing, and it was actually around the time of COVID, is a platform called Time with Jos. And it's basically a monthly staff time, an hour long, where I invite our staff to participate in a—and it's a hybrid meeting so remote staff can call in online and a staff in the office can sit in a room—and I will just share about the state of the organization." (08:49)
  • "A focus time. It’s also a monthly thing. It's kind of a similar set up, but that focuses more on ministry impact and employee news." (10:08)
  • "The other platform that we have been using is what I call a mission-vision meeting, and it's basically a longer session that I offer to staff in which I go through the strategy of Bible League and some of our initiative, and I tied it to our core values and our mission." (10:36)
  • Intentionally organize moments of Q&A and reflective practices in your organization (13:42)
  • Supervisors and managers should have rhythms of listening to their direct reports. As well as an open-door policy and regular one-on-one meetings with direct reports. (15:25)
  • Items to have in your leadership philosophy (18:12)
  • How the value of listening and respecting voices fields innovation (22:52)
  • The value of Bible League International participating in assessing its workplace culture and employee engagement through Best Christian Workplaces's Employee Engagement Survey (25:53)


Read the Transcript

Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode.


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