2 min read

405: How to Make a Culture Comeback: Leadership Lessons in Moving from Toxic to Healthy Culture

405: How to Make a Culture Comeback: Leadership Lessons in Moving from Toxic to Healthy Culture

In this episode, we dive into the remarkable journey of Jon T. Locklear, CEO of Lumbee River Electric Member Cooperative, who turned around a struggling organization by fostering leadership cohesion and building trust. Discover the key practices he implemented to create a thriving workplace culture and develop emerging leaders with character and competence.

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In this episode:

Introduction and Background:

  • Al Lopus introduces himself and Jon Locklear, CEO of Lumbee River Electric, highlighting Jon's leadership journey and experience. (01:44)
  • Jon's role as CEO of Lumbee River Electric, his previous experience with HealthKeeperz, and his educational background are discussed. (01:51)
Challenges and Early Steps as CEO:
  • Jon shares the initial challenges he faced, including managing 13 board members and dealing with organizational dysfunction. (02:53)
  • Despite the difficulties, Jon saw an opportunity to bring unity and calm to the organization and its 70,000 members. (04:04)

Employee Engagement and Culture Transformation:

  • Jon emphasizes the importance of conducting Employee Engagement Surveys to understand the organization's culture and employee perspectives. (04:37)
  • The significant improvement in employee engagement, from 19% to 61.5% in one year, is highlighted as a result of trust-building and better communication. (06:02)

Leadership Approach and Trust-Building:

  • Jon discusses the importance of resolving dysfunction at the senior leadership level and using the book Road to Flourishing to guide the process. (06:47)
  • Trust and communication were identified as key areas for improvement, leading to initiatives like a fun committee and a communication committee to foster a positive work environment. (07:29)

Faith and Leadership Principles:

  • Jon integrates his faith into his leadership, seeking wisdom from God daily and prioritizing genuine care for his employees. (14:14)
  • He mentions the creation of one-on-one meetings to listen to employees and build trust by understanding their personal motivations and challenges. (14:55)

Emerging Leaders and Leadership Development:

  • Jon looks for character traits like caring for others and willingness to learn when identifying emerging leaders. (21:08)
  • A leadership curriculum was developed to train potential leaders in areas like operational management, emotional intelligence, and understanding cooperative principles. (21:31)
  • The curriculum is designed by senior leadership and requires supervisor recommendation. (22:12)

Leadership Training and Courses:

  • Key courses include operational management, emotional intelligence, co-op principles, governance, and industry-specific topics like renewables. (23:17)
  • The goal is to prepare emerging leaders with both the skills and understanding needed to lead effectively within the organization. (24:50)

Organizational Culture and Consistency:

  • Jon emphasizes the importance of creating consistency in culture, aiming for ongoing positive employee engagement results. (25:11)
  • He also focuses on building a unified culture between employees and the board, including training for board members on healthy governance practices. (26:08)

Member Engagement and Communication:

  • Improved organizational culture has led to better engagement with members, who feel more informed and trust the organization more. (27:35)
  • Proactive communication with members has become a priority, helping them understand and support the organization's direction. (28:30)

Community Impact and Employee Well-Being:

  • A flourishing workplace culture positively impacts employees' personal lives, making them better family members and contributing to community well-being. (31:07)
  • Lumbee River EMC has introduced Corporate Chaplains of America to provide additional care and support for employees, addressing their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. (31:35)

Final Thoughts:

  • Jon emphasizes seeking God's guidance in leadership and the broader impact of a healthy workplace culture on families and communities. (30:47)

Read the Transcript

Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode


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