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Encore Episode: Flying Blind vs. Actionable Data on Workplace Culture

Encore Episode: Flying Blind vs. Actionable Data on Workplace Culture

Do you feel like you may be flying blind when it comes to navigating the health of your culture? Well, today's guest admits he was. Yet he wanted to create a culture his staff could thrive in. To tell the story of their stunning, flourishing culture Dave Riner, CEO, and President of Student Mobilization describes the key steps that he took to move his workplace culture to one of the healthiest that BWI has ever worked with.


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In this episode:

  • Student Mobilization is a college campus ministry with the mission “to build laborers for Christ from the college campuses of the world” (02:36)
  • StuMo's strategy is to send young spiritual leaders to build relationships with non-believers on campus, share the gospel, and then watch God transform them into a new generation of Generation Z leaders (04:24)
  • StuMo got involved with BCWI because it wanted to measure its leaders and effectiveness (10:32)
  • "We had anecdotal feedback, but nothing really objective and actionable.  Did we really want to know the answers to the BCW question? The survey is like getting a physical exam." (12:09)
  • StuMo's results were incredibly positive and affirming (15:50)
  • Why does the health of workplace culture matter when it comes to ministry effectiveness and impact? (18:53)
  • The benefit of having language that describes the health of a culture (21:45)
  • How establishing a baseline helps you to gauge organizational health (22:35)
  • "Definitely train young staff in the keys to victory.  But also reward their loyalty with empowerment and transparent communication." (24:47)
  • How to develop high scores in commitment to mission and strategy (25:44)
  • "Changing one life at a time is repetitive work that requires perseverance. It's important to keep the vision fresh."
  • StuMo's regional leadership model 
  • "I just think it has been empowering to have the access to the BCW reports broken down into regions and even teams.  Several of our regional leaders made their own choice to hire BCWI to go over their regional results with their campus directors." (34:24)
  • "God is at work. We've had a hard time with COVID. COVID has potentially softened a lot of hearts out there." (39:00)


Read the Transcript

Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode.


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