1 min read

Encore Episode: How to Cultivate Uplifting Growth and Leadership Development

Encore Episode: How to Cultivate Uplifting Growth and Leadership Development

Kelly Jones, Chief Operating Officer of Apartment Life, shares with you how Uplifting Growth is a critical driver to help improve—and even transform—your workplace culture 


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In this episode:

  • How to cultivate uplifting growth in any organization
  • The importance of core values
  • Why is measuring workplace culture so important?  
  • Measuring culture helps organizations stay rooted in reality
  • "We can’t solve problems that we don’t know about, and the BCWI survey helps us understand reality"
  • How to grow your organization and maintain a healthy culture
  • Using survey results to both celebrate and create action plans for improving
  • Protecting workplace culture as a proactive activity
  • "We consider feedback gift, so we include a 360 survey as part of the January annual review cycle."
  • Help your employees with competency assessments and development plans
  • The value for recognition
  • Adapting leadership style to the performance readiness of each employee



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Email our host at info@workplaces.org

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