1 min read

S4E23: A Compensation Strategy That Could Reduce High Turnover Cost

S4E23: A Compensation Strategy That Could Reduce High Turnover Cost

Rewarding Compensation, the fifth of the eight drivers that can take the health of your workplace culture to the next level. Tara VanderSande, Senior Consultant for Best Christian Workplaces, shares practical tips that can help you step back and revisit your organization’s current compensation plan so you can see what’s working and where you can improve.


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In this episode:

  • Rewarding Compensation programs provide tangible resources in return for the service an employee provides. These resources include benefits such as medical, retirement and paid time off, in addition to cash compensation.
  • In many regards, Rewarding Compensation is tied to Outstanding Talent. In this tight labor market, we see top talent walking out the door because they have better opportunities with other organizations.
  • How much does it cost to replace a high performer in an organization?
  • It could cost between 30-40% or up to 5 times a full-time employee's salary to replace them.
  • How can churches and Christian-led organizations create and clarify their rewards strategy for key talent?
  • When a top performer receives a job offer for more money, do you offer more for them to stay?
  • Because organizations are unwilling to differentiate pay for high performers, they end up with low performers which actually contribute at less than 10% of the average performer, according to a compensation expert at Aon Hewitt.
  • A tip for communicating the true value of someone’s compensation program?



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Email our host at info@workplaces.org

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