1 min read

S6E33: How Rescue Missions are Overcoming Key Leadership Issues

S6E33: How Rescue Missions are Overcoming Key Leadership Issues

What are some of the challenges your organization is facing and how are you addressing them? John Ashmen, the President and CEO of Citygate Network, which represents 300 rescue missions across North America. John outlines some of the key leadership issues that they are facing as their organizations focus on life transformation.

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In this episode:

  • Citygate’s purpose and scope (01:56)
  •  Highlights from Citygate's recent Conference in Baltimore (03:09)
  • Rebranding from association to Citygate Network (05:14)
  • For Rescue Missions, COVID has been a curse and a blessing.  The everyday, front-line work of rescue mission employees is inspirational (07:34)
  • "From much of the spring and summer of 2020 rescue missions across North America were working with a skeleton staff for many cases, around the clock." (10:00)
  • People are being generous with their contributions (13:25)
  • As we come out of COVID our research is showing us a couple of challenges rescue missions are facing.  The first is employee perceptions about pay competitiveness. (15:20)
  • Appeal to somebody who wants to see a life changed (16:48)
  • People don't stay around like they used to (18:21)
  • Some ways to encourage leaders to build in the importance of Christian discipleship with their managers and staff (20:07)
  • "We've been bringing to the forefront 'public reading of scripture' It's scripture by clear articulate voices with background sounds. You don' have to wait for someone to interpret it for you. The Holy Spirit does the interpretation." (20:40)
  • Mentorship. The opportunity for mentoring really does make a difference (22:13)
  •  Our data suggest rescue mission employees see a need for being able to attract more capable employees and to also retain more of the current high-performing employees (23:24)
  • "The typical person graduating from college right now is going to have seven unique careers by the time they retire." (24:54)
  • "For employers, we have to understand what employees want." (25:12)
  • What workers want: being filled in on things, full appreciation for work done, sympathetic help on personal problems (27:39)


Read the Transcript

Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode.


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