S7E09: 5 Key Steps to Getting Your Church or Organization Unstuck
Organizations have seasons of growth and change. Through each season your leadership team needs a variety of competencies to help your organization...
2 min read
Best Christian Workplaces
October, 31 2022
What are the values that help your organization’s impact grow? Justin Miller, CEO of Untold, shares how he has seen his organization’s impact explode in just fifteen years since founding it. Listen in to learn how Justin, his team, and board have built a ministry to help others flourish.
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Organizations have seasons of growth and change. Through each season your leadership team needs a variety of competencies to help your organization...
Creating a flourishing workplace culture doesn’t have to be overly complicated. But it does take intentionality and effort. Doug Mazza is President...
Are you wondering how to facilitate the transformation of your organization? This episode is about a transformational leader who is guiding positive...