2 min read

S7E34: How Flourishing Culture Can Help Your Organization’s Impact Explode

S7E34: How Flourishing Culture Can Help Your Organization’s Impact Explode

What are the values that help your organization’s impact grow? Justin Miller, CEO of Untold, shares how he has seen his organization’s impact explode in just fifteen years since founding it. Listen in to learn how Justin, his team, and board have built a ministry to help others flourish.


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In this episode:

  • How did God grab Justin’s heart for people impacted by HIV/AIDS(02:36)
  • God first used some pain in Justin’s past to reveal his calling. His brother grew up with special needs often without proper care, compassion, or community. (03:10)
  • Then, a challenge by Bono at the Global Leadership Summit and a subsequent trip to Kenya to produce a documentary about HIV/AIDS exposed Justin to the harsh realities of AIDS (04:15)
  • Some of the leadership lessons Justin learned in those first few years; early decisions that set the ministry up for success. Hard lessons that Justin learned as he adjusted over the years. (06:20)
  • Focus (07:10)
  • Abundance mindset (09:30)
  • Untold has a very small U.S. staff and its staff in Africa is all local. Untold does not have Americans or other Westerners running the operations in Kenya, Uganda, or Tanzania.  Justin’s value of diverse, local leadership and how he has built that into the DNA of the organization. (11:58)
  • Untold exists to “create spaces of belonging.” (14:15)
  • Untold’s rebranding process and how it helped the organization to focus on the value of the whole person (16:15)
  • Imago Dei “The Image of God” (17:33)
  • Untold has been participating in the BCWI survey for 5 years. Why Untold continue to assess the health of its workplace every year (21:21)
  • Justin says, “Our work is committed to achieving human flourishing for our clients. How can we work towards that goal if we aren’t committed to that same outcome for our staff?” (22:32)
  • It takes Inspirational Leaders to drive change in the other areas of culture (24:08)
  • Some of the leadership practices and processes Untold has in place that result in such a positive sense of accomplishment and mission focus among its staff (26:00)
  • Keep the focus on the mission and vision (26:44)
  • Share annually goals and priorities to focus on (27:02)
  • Listen (27:59)
  • Best practices for communication in a diverse, multi-site, organization (29:35)
  • Transparency (30:56)
  • Listen to the people closest to the clients (31:25)
  • How the program leaders of front-line teams – including health counselors and spiritual counselors – keep the staff focused on their work without getting discouraged at the immensity of the need (32:30)



Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode.


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