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S7E37: How to Integrate Organizational Health into Christian Higher Education

S7E37: How to Integrate Organizational Health into Christian Higher Education

Are you wondering how to facilitate the transformation of your organization? This episode is about a transformational leader who is guiding positive change in a difficult environment—that’s Christian education. Listen to this conversation with Steve Mason, the president of LeTourneau University.


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In this episode:

  • Why clarity of organizational identity is so important for institutions in particular, and for the long-term flourishing in higher education. (03:33)
  • Being clear with students is important and that begins with being very clear as an organization about giftedness, competencies, calling, and vocation as an institution. (04:49)
  • Some practices that are part of the employee experience at LeTourneau for both faculty and staff that help with maintaining sustainable strategy (09:11)
  • “We’ve been using the Engagement Survey, BCWI Survey, for years now, and it has been super helpful for us to identify those things that are strengths, identifying those areas that are growth areas for us, and we’ve been delighted in the ways that Engagement Surveys helped us improve continually year after year.” (09:38)
  • At the beginning of the academic year, all employees at LeTourneau have an employee gathering where they take communion (12:13)
  • President coffee: an all-employee gathering (13:00)
  • Creating a three-year strategic plan (13:09)
  • Dr. Mason identified 4 mission-critical objectives (14:39)
  • Practical ways of focusing on organizational health and belonging (15:04)
  • Include organizational health in the strategic plan (15:49)
  • Take the engagement survey every year and share the results in several formats and venues (16:42)
  • Being on a listening tour; ask open-ended questions and create a safe space as much as you can (17:48)
  • The three Cs: You have to be credentialed; you have to be committed, and truly called to this (22:57)


Read the Transcript

Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode.


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