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76 Organizations Honored as “Certified Best Christian Workplaces”

76 Organizations Honored as “Certified Best Christian Workplaces”

76 Organizations Honored as Certified Best Christian Workplaces

MERCER ISLAND, WA – Today, Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI) honored 76 faith-based organizations as Certified Best Christian Workplaces for 2020.

These organizations met the certification standard determined by exemplary ratings from their employees who completed BCWI’s groundbreaking Employee Engagement Survey between January and July 2020. All organizations evaluated their workplaces based on BCWI’s proprietary “FLOURISH Model”: Fantastic Teams, Life-giving Work, Outstanding Talent, Uplifting Growth, Rewarding Compensation, Inspirational Leadership, Sustainable Strategy, and Healthy Communication.

Certification is based on actual anonymous employee opinions of a flourishing workplace culture, versus a subjective honor randomly bestowed upon an organization.

  • Eighty-two percent of all new Certified honorees surveyed over multiple years. “This is one confirmation that organizations which welcome and act upon employee feedback increase the likelihood of building a better, stronger workplace culture,” says BCWI CEO and Co-founder Al Lopus. After surveying annually for three consecutive years, C12--the largest network of Christian CEOs and executives working together to increase company performance and integrate faith and business—saw its level of employee engagement soar from 36% in 2016 to 78% in 2019.
  • "Workplace culture is more important now than ever,” says Craig Springer, Executive Director at ALPHA USA. "I'm so thankful we have focused on building our workplace culture leading into the Coronavirus crisis because now we have a bonded resilience as a team."

Since 2002, BCWI’s Employee Engagement Survey has been completed by more than 1,100 churches, faith-based non-profits, and Christian-owned businesses in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Central America.

About Best Christian Workplaces Institute
BCWI is an international non-profit, research-based, organizational development and human resources consulting firm, with offices in Mercer Island, Washington, and London, Ontario. BCWI’s mission is to equip and inspire Christian leaders to build a flourishing workplace. Visit workplaces.org

The organizations honored as Certified Best Christian Workplaces from January-July 2020:


Cho-Yeh Camp and Conference Center - Livingston, TX

Summit Ministries  - Manitou Springs, CO


ACR Supply Co. - Durham, NC

Brewer Direct, Inc.  - Monrovia, CA

C12 - San Antonio, TX

Cline Hose & Hydraulics - Greenville, SC

Dow Smith Contracting Company, Inc.  - Smyrna, TN

EGW - Carrollton, TX

Gibson Oil & Gas Co., Inc. - Laurel Hill, NC

Grace Conservatory - Ponte Vedra, FL

Outreach  - Colorado Springs, CO


Calvary Christian Academy - Fort Lauderdale, FL

Cherry Hills Christian School - Highlands Ranch, CO

Colegio Cristiano Nicolás - Ixil, Nabej, Guatemala

Mitchell Road Christian Academy - Greenville, SC


2|42 Community Church - Brighton, MI


Antioch Community Church - Waco, TX

Bethany Community Church  - Seattle, WA

Brentwood UMC - Brentwood, TN

Bridgeway Community Church - Columbia, MD

Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale - Fort Lauderdale, FL

Canyon Ridge Christian Church - Las Vegas, NV

Canyon View Vineyard Church  - Grand Junction, CO

Cherry Hills Community Church  - Highlands Ranch, CO

Christ Presbyterian Church - Edina, MN

Church at the Springs - Ocala, FL

Compass Christian Church - Chandler, AZ

The Crossing Church - Costa Mesa, CA

Fellowship Bible Church - Little Rock, AR

First Baptist Church of Eugene - Eugene, OR

First Presbyterian Church - Winston-Salem, NC

Grace Bible Church - Virginia Beach, VA

Irving Bible Church - Irving, TX

LCBC Church  - Manheim, PA

Miracle Life Family Church - Lusaka, Zambia

Mission Hills Church - Littleton, CO

Northridge Christian Church - Milledgeville, GA

Southridge Community Church  - St. Catharines, ON Canada

StoneBridge Christian Church - Omaha, NE

Trinity Church - Lansing, MI

West Side Presbyterian Church - Ridgewood, NJ

WestGate Church  - San Jose, CA


Precept - Chattanooga, TN

RightNow Media  - McKinney, TX

WGTS 91.9 - Rockville, MD


4KIDS  - Fort Lauderdale, FL


Asociacion Esperanza Internacional - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

BMA America  - Conway, AR

Bethesda - Colorado Springs, CO

Bible League Canada - Grimsby, ON

Bible League International  - Chicago, IL

CDF Capital - Irvine, CA

Care Net  - Lansdowne, VA

Christian Children’s Home of Ohio  - Wooster, OH

Compassion Australia  - Warabrook, NSW

Cookson Hills - Kansas, OK

Focus on the Family Canada  - Langley, BC

Life Network - Colorado Springs, CO

MAP International - Brunswick, GA

MOPS International - Denver, CO

Mission Training International - Palmer Lake, CO

The Navigators - Colorado Springs, CO

Operation Mobilization USA - Tyrone, GA

Outreach - Indianapolis, IN

Plant With Purpose - San Diego, CA

Reasons to Believe - Covina, CA

Samaritan Ministries International - Peoria, IL

Scripture Union Scotland - Glasgow, Scotland

Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission - Seattle, WA

Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission - Philadelphia, PA

The Ashland Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center - Ashland, OH

Union Rescue Mission - Wichita, KS

Upward Sports - Spartanburg, SC

Wycliffe Canada - Calgary, AB



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