7 Workplace Trends for 2021
7 Workplace Trends for 2021 Seven workplace trends for 2021 that could significantly affect your workplace this coming year.
As you look ahead to 2022, what are the most important trends you need to be aware of and lead through? Wise leaders tune into trends in workplace culture and make plans to help their organization and employees flourish. There will be unexpected issues that surface in 2022 but preparing to address likely scenarios will give your organization an advantage as it moves forward to fulfill its vision and mission.
People are quitting their jobs in record numbers. Since April 2021, 15 million people have left their jobs. Experts are forecasting that the quit rate will continue or accelerate in 2022. A Gallup survey reveals that 48% of employees are actively looking for a job or willing to consider a new job.
How can you retain and attract top talent in this environment? Focus on sustaining a great culture with engaged employees. If employees have an emotional connection to their work and organization, which is how we define engagement at Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI), the chances improve that they will stay and contribute to your organization’s mission.
As we look at BWCI’s database, issues related to employee compensation and well-being are increasing. As for-profit corporations increase entry-level pay due to a tight labor market, the gap between industry and non-profit compensation is increasing. At the same time, employees are feeling the strain of mental health issues, which puts a focus on PTO, medical, and retirement benefits.
Leaders will need to address raising compensation and benefit costs in their financial models. However, the issue goes beyond pay. New research from Oracle shows that 88% of workers feel that the meaning of success has changed. Employees are prioritizing work-life balance, mental health, and having a meaningful job. The workforce is exhausted from being “on” for long hours with digital access.
Christian organizations and businesses have the opportunity to set a high standard of care for their employees with a focus on well-being, meaningful work, and appropriate compensation and benefits.
The front-line manager is the key link between the employee and the organization. A strong connection is at the heart of retention. BCWI research shows that front-line manager skills and impact are below pre-COVID levels. With the prevalence of remote work, employees sense that managers care less about them as people. A classic Marcus Buckingham quote is proving to be even more accurate: “People join organizations and leave managers.”
What do employees need from their front-line manager?
Great leaders have an opportunity to step up in this environment to model caring while they coach and equip their front-line managers to care for their direct reports.
The idea that work only happens in an office is not coming back. The technological tools for working from anywhere were being used pre-pandemic, and the ability to pivot to remote work for many organizations illustrated that a fixed place for work is not required. An overwhelming percentage of remote workers desire the flexibility to continue to do at least some of their work from home.
Rather than fighting against this trend, savvy leaders will seek to equip their employees to be successful in accomplishing their jobs, regardless of location. Support for remote work includes rethinking ways to create synergy and great communication between people and teams. Organizations that can leverage the positives of hybrid and remote work models, while mitigating the feeling of disconnect, will help their employees thrive in these now-normal settings.
Before discounting this insight as just focused on the BCWI Engagement Surveys, note that employee surveys are a regular tool of many large corporations. Microsoft utilizes pulse surveys throughout the year and surveys more than 2,500 employees every day.
Of course, building a healthy organization through employee feedback depends on two factors: the quality of the survey, and the plan for implementing results.
The BCW Employee Engagement Survey has been tested extensively and includes statistical correlation with organizations in the Christian non-profit and church sector. Questions include biblical worldview and other unique factors of faith-based organizations.
Here is the process we recommend and use ourselves with the BCWI employees:
We are excited about a new resource available in 2022 to help leaders develop healthy cultures and engaged employees. Our book, Road to Flourishing: Eight Keys to Boost Employee Engagement and Well-Being, is available for preorder now and will be released in the Spring of 2022 by InterVarsity Press.
Employers will continue to increase the use of contingent workers to tap into special skills, augment staff during peak seasons, and reduce costs of benefits and overhead. This trend is not new in 2022, but organizations are seeing the ongoing benefit of using gig workers.
Here at BCWI, we have been able to continue our growth by tapping into people with unique skills and strengths that we don't have on our employee team. Whether it is social media, graphic arts, editing, technical support, or administration, there are many skilled workers who are available to provide excellent work in right-sized components.
Consider how to maximize the effectiveness of your contingent workers:
In a competitive labor market where hiring is difficult, you can try out a gig worker for a specific project with low risk. Once they have successfully completed a few projects, ongoing projects can augment your staff team and provide access to specialized skills.
Many organizations made commitments to improve diversity, equity, and inclusion over the past few years, and employees expect real progress. This was not a short-term fad, and the work is not finished.
Recently, we had a podcast conversation with David Bailey who equips and empowers leaders for reconciliation from a biblical perspective. He believes reconciliation is a discipleship process that takes reflection and self-examination, which are core spiritual practices. Christian organizations can become lights in the world by building cultures of reconciliation leading to stronger diverse relationships.
Two factors keep this issue at the forefront:
As you think about these trends and how they impact your organization, how can you prepare yourself and your team in this season? Share this blog post and the related podcast episode with your team and discuss implications at your next team meeting. Divide your action items into short-term wins and long-term adjustments. Step confidently into 2022, knowing there will be surprises, but prepared to lead wisely in the midst of ongoing change.
7 Workplace Trends for 2021 Seven workplace trends for 2021 that could significantly affect your workplace this coming year.
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