What Lessons are Top Leaders Learning in the Pandemic?
What Lessons are Top Leaders Learning in the Pandemic? What’s the biggest lesson the current pandemic has taught you and your workplace culture?
Can these three gears turn your company around?
At BCWI, one of our fastest, growing trends is helping Christian-led companies lead their own heroic culture turn-around. The result is more unity, greater trust, better communication—all part of the flourishing culture that's essential to any company's success.
If this is what you desire for your company, then let me give you a name: Pete Hayes. This masterful consultant, and fellow-Christian, is a principal and Chief Marketing Officer for Chief Outsiders in Austin, Texas. Chief Outsiders is the country’s largest strategic growth implementation company focused on mid-sized businesses. He’s also the co-author, along with Art Saxby, of the best-selling marketing book The Growth Gears: Using a Market-Based Framework to Drive Business Success.
During our interview, Pete inspired me to see how . . .
three, essential “gears” (see below) that can turn a small to mid-sized business into a growth-oriented market-focused powerhouse.
Learn how this truth can come alive for your company on this episode of the Flourishing Culture Podcast. To help you get the most out of Pete’s trusted expertise I want to give you three quick highlights for what’s in store:
OR . . .
[shareable cite="Pete Hayes"]"If you’re not growing, you’re not expanding the God-given mission and scope of influence you can have on people’s lives."[/shareable]
Free Book!
If you’re one of the first 25 people to email Pete Hayes at pete@chiefoutsiders.com, you’ll receive a free copy of The Growth Gears. Be sure to include your full street address, city, state and zip code. Also, you can dig into the first few chapters of the book anytime at GrowthGears.com.
Which of these three podcast highlights might be most timely for your senior team in light of the issues and challenges they’re facing?
“A Sustainable Strategy to Reach the World”
Jos Snoep, President/CEO
Bible League International
Crete, Illinois
What Lessons are Top Leaders Learning in the Pandemic? What’s the biggest lesson the current pandemic has taught you and your workplace culture?
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