Who are the Certified Best Christian Workplaces in 2020? Well today, we highlight just a few of the 157 organizations we are honoring this week. Join Jay Bransford, President and Chief Operating Officer, Cary Humphries, Regional Director, and Giselle Jenkins, Culture Consulting Director for Best Christian Workplaces, as we discuss some of the practices these organizations do to set the standard as the best, most-effective places to work in the world.
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In this episode:
- 157 unique organizations on the Certified Best Christian workplace list (02:45)
- Apartment Life has been Certified 17 years in a row (04:02)
- Joni and Friends has been Certified for over 15 years. They went through a leadership change (05:08)
- Olivet Nazarene University has sought employee feedback for over 15 years in a row (05:42)
- Precept has been active globally for 50 years with an exceptional level of employee engagement (06:44)
- "There's a good amount of effort to build a healthy culture. But there's so much more effort that goes in to try to deal with the problems of an unhealthy culture"-Giselle (07:23)
- Premier Custom-Built Cabinetry after two years of hard work became a Certified BCW (07:57)
- Southeast Christian Church in a challenging time decided to survey, though the results were painful, they stared the course (08:31)
- "These businesses are part of a great movement to be lights in the world to building the kingdom through relationships developed in business"-Jay (09:49)
- Classical Conversations is a bright light especially during COVID (10:12)
- ACR Supply Company had a flourishing workplace culture when they arrived at BCWI. They found new and increased clarity (11:19)
- C12 has become the trusted authority at incorporating business practices with biblical principles and values to help CEOs thrive (11:56)
- The Navigators has achieved the best engagement results yet. They have 125 associates around the world with $140 million in revenue (12:55)
- Gateway Church, one of the largest churches in the nation, the health of their culture has reached the Flourishing level after a dozen years. (13:27)
- Alpha USA has been surveying for the last 5 years (14:11)
- The international reach of BCWI: Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Japan, Europe, Central America, Africa, and Canada (15:14)
- Focus on the Family Canada the top leadership partners with leadership at every level of the organization (15:55)
- CCO, a university student movement dedicated to evangelization is in the upper quadrant of all organizations that survey (18:46)
- Having a healthy culture can lead to significant ministry impact (20:26)
- Charlotte Rescue Mission has been diligent about building engagement and asking a lot of questions (20:34)
- Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission has a passion for their team to be healthy and have a great work experience (21:45)
- Calvary Christian Academy has moved to Flourishing and stayed there for the last several years (23:02)
- Right Now Media is committed to making sure their team can bring the best of who they are to work every day (24:20)
- East-West Ministries International demonstrates a commitment from the very top through the entire leadership team and HR lead (25:00)

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