2 min read

S7E04: How Celebration and Fun Can Build a Flourishing Workplace

S7E04: How Celebration and Fun Can Build a Flourishing Workplace

On a scale of one to ten, how would your employees rate the level of celebration and fun in your organization? Dawn Pearcy, Manager of Organizational Development at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale gives examples of how celebration and fun have helped create a flourishing workplace culture at her church.


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In this episode:

  • Describing the staff at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale and Dawn's role on the leadership team (01:52)
  • Reaching their community for Jesus (02:41)
  • Calvary Chapel has been participating in Best Christian Workplace Institute’s employee engagement surveys since 2015. Over those years, your culture has changed and is now flourishing. You have created culture champions throughout the organization – tell us about what these people do and how you have trained them. (04:08)
  • Engagement champions have been key in helping the team engage with healthy culture (04:59)
  • Champions partner with ManagersEmpowering Leaders; allows team members to lead in a different role than their job description (05:04)
  • Look for those who embody our Calvary culture and make it contagious to their teams. (05:32)
  • Quarterly training:  Equip, Encourage and Empower (a core value)  (06:22)
  • Engagement Facilitation Buckets; Baton; Certifications; Training Manual (FEG) (08:32)
  • What a great contribution to the workplace environment. Several years ago your organization went through the process of defining its values. It was a process that involved the whole staff, not just top-down. Now that these values have been in place for several yearscan you give us some examples of how these values guide the culture? (10:48)
  • Calvary Chapel's core values:
  • Authentic Love:  We want to be a culture that honors God through loving like Jesus, loving like family. (11:35)
  • Soul Keeping: Protect Your House. Time to care for our souls (work hard; play hard) (13:05)
  • CollaborationWe go together” (14:07)
  • Empowering Leaders:  Raise People Up (14:58)
  • Celebration!  We do not want to wait until heaven to celebrate! (15:18)
  • Humility; You First (16:05)
  • "We also make sure that we have our core values always in front of us and we use them in our hiring process, our review process, in our recognition process; daily conversations; our LEAD series/Training & Development." (16:45)
  • How have you seen the emphasis on values help in hiring and onboarding? (16:22)
  • We look for people who are already exhibiting these values (18:45)
  • One of the seven values of your organization is celebration – how does that value help create a positive and fun workplace atmosphere? Can you give us some examples of how emphasizing celebration plays out in practical ways? (21:51)
  • Calvary Chapel has a couple of specific practices that help celebrate your staff – the honor chair and a values recognition process. Can you describe these practices and how they help people flourish? (25:00)
  • Well Done Cards; We find a value in one another and write them a note sharing the core value exhibited and how (26:21)
  •  It’s great how you have taken this to the micro-level with every department and team lifting up their people. Have there been any surprising outcomes of the emphasis on celebration and fun? (27:49)
  • How do you incorporate fun and celebration into your own life – to keep yourself refreshed and focused in your leadership? (29:50)


Read the Transcript

Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode.


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