4 min read

435: Essential Traits of a Thriving Church Community

435: Essential Traits of a Thriving Church Community

What if the key to a thriving church isn’t just great leadership, but a leader’s spiritual health? In this episode, Dr. Steve Macchia, founder and president of Leadership Transformations, Inc., shares insights from his book Becoming a Healthy Church on how soul care, deep community, and servant leadership lay the foundation for a truly flourishing church.

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In this episode:

Example of a Healthy Church

Steve shares about his church, Church of the Cross in Boston, as an example of a thriving and healthy church. (05:17)

Characteristics of the church:

Filled with young families and professionals. (05:27)

Strong culture of grace, fostered by the pastor’s leadership. (05:35)

Creative environment with musicians, artists, and poets. (05:43)

Vibrant ministry to children and young people. (05:54)

Deep spiritual connection among members, with no competitiveness. (06:15)

• Focus on both vertical (God) and horizontal (community) relationships. (06:25)

Steve and his wife enjoy being among the older members in a young, growing church, which gives them hope for the future of the church. (07:10)


The Importance of Spiritual Vitality in Leadership

Spiritual health is foundational for church and Christian leaders. (07:27)

Leaders often neglect their own soul, prioritizing other responsibilities instead. (08:02)

Key practices for leaders to maintain spiritual vitality:

Consistent prayer time (having a dedicated space like a prayer closet). (08:36)

Engagement with Scripture and reflective prayer practices. (08:55)

Listening to God, not just speaking in prayer. (09:01)

Daily examine to reflect on emotions, actions, and spiritual growth. (09:06)


The Role of Noticing and Reflective Practices

Noticing practices help leaders slow down and be more aware of God’s presence. (12:02)

Examples include:

Sabbath as a time to pause and reflect. (12:16)

Journaling to track spiritual insights and prayers. (12:30)

Daily examine to reflect on anxieties, joys, and spiritual growth. (12:48)

Noticing practices foster spiritual depth and create opportunities to encourage community-based spiritual growth. (13:35)

Steve emphasizes the importance of practicing faith in community rather than in isolation. (14:17)


Building Relational Health in Churches

Listening as a Foundational Practice (15:47)

People don’t want to be “fixed”; they want to be truly heard. (15:49)

Teaching “pure listening” involves giving someone uninterrupted time to speak and then reflecting back what was heard. (16:03)

Many church environments are filled with people who think they already know everything, leading to a lack of genuine listening. (17:02)

True witness comes from “with-ness”—being present and truly understanding others. (17:40)

Practicing Love and Grace

Churches should emphasize grace and love rather than conflict. (18:22)

Recognizing our own need for grace helps us extend it to others. (18:28)

A healthy church culture is marked by love, joy, and peace rather than competition and division. (18:21)

Understanding Personal and Others’ Stories

Everyone’s life experiences are complex and unique. (19:12)

Acknowledging personal stories allows for deeper empathy and stronger community. (19:21)

The fruit of the Spirit should be evident in church culture, creating an environment of love, joy, and peace. (20:12)


Servant Leadership in Churches

Recognizing and Developing Individual Callings

Every person has gifts and a calling, which may be inside or outside the church. (21:37)

Church leaders should help members identify and pursue their God-given purpose. (22:09)

Leadership development should focus on equipping people to serve in various spheres of life, not just within church roles. (22:43)

Expanding the Church’s Vision of Service

Churches should celebrate and support Christians serving in secular workplaces. (23:25)

Leaders should bless and send people into their respective callings rather than just filling internal church positions. (24:04)

True servant leadership follows the example of Jesus—leading as a servant, shepherd, and steward. (24:38)

Key Elements of Healthy Church Leadership

Administration & Accountability

Wise administration is essential for both daily operations and long-term planning. (26:14)

Financial and organizational accountability are necessary at all levels, including oversight from groups like ECFA. (26:40)

Leaders and ministry roles require clear accountability structures. (27:01)

Discernment vs. Strategy

Decision-making should be guided by spiritual discernment rather than just strategic planning. (27:46)

Leaders must focus on listening to God and the congregation for direction. (27:55)

Outward-Focused Ministry

Churches must balance internal health with external mission work. (28:34)

Evangelism, social action, and global outreach should be structured with accountability and proper resource management. (28:42)


Overview of the Church Health Model

Steve’s Book Series on Church Health

Books and tools, such as Becoming a Healthy Church and the Church Health Assessment Tool (CHAT), help churches evaluate their health. (31:13)

The 10 traits of a healthy church are grouped into three core areas:

1. Life of Worship – Focuses on God’s presence, worship, and spiritual disciplines. (31:50)

2. Life of Community – Covers relationships, servant leadership, and internal growth. (32:22)

3. Outward-Focused Church – Includes evangelism, mission work, stewardship, and accountability. (33:07)

The Church Health Assessment Tool (CHAT) provides data-driven insights for churches. (34:37)


Impact of Church Staff Culture on Church Health

A flourishing church requires a healthy leadership culture—without it, church health suffers. (35:56)

Churches should function as a team and embody biblical metaphors like the body of Christ or oaks of righteousness to guide their approach to leadership and community. (36:13)


Timeless and Emerging Aspects of Church Health

The 10 traits of a healthy church remain relevant and serve as a strong foundation for assessing church vitality. (38:52)

Younger generations prioritize relationships and inclusivity, sometimes leading to concerns about doctrinal flexibility. (39:19)

• Encouraging trends include a renewed focus on Scripture, theology, and Spirit-led living. (39:54)


Generational Leadership and Mentorship

The older generation should pass the baton while still mentoring and supporting young leaders. (40:51)

Young pastors are deeply engaged in biblical study and teaching, sometimes preaching for extended periods. (40:28)

The next generation values mentorship and guidance rather than complete independence. (41:15)


Challenges Facing the Church

• Division within churches due to politics, COVID-related disagreements, and cancel culture. (41:31)

• A need to return to unity, trust, and the priorities of Christ. (42:05)

A desire to reflect the relational nature of God, as seen in The Chosen, fostering deeper connections within church communities. (42:12)


The Role of Trust and Community in Church and Workplace

Trust is the foundation of relationships—essential for teams, friendships, and marriages. (43:24)

Leaders must cultivate trust, integrity, and open communication to foster a strong workplace and church culture. (43:19)


Personal Spiritual Growth and Soul Care

The importance of prioritizing soul care, prayer, and a deepening relationship with God. (43:59)

Encouragement to respond to God’s invitations, live abundantly, and embrace a Spirit-led life. (44:54)


Final Encouragement

A call to focus on spiritual growth, both individually and within the church. (45:23)


Read the Transcript

Read a complete, word-for-word transcript of the episode


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